MMX Instructions. The MMX instructions enable x86 processors to perform single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) operations on packed byte, word, doubleword, or quadword integer operands contained in memory, in MMX registers, or in general-purpose registers. · Document. Description. Intel® 64 and IA architectures software developer’s manual combined volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 4. This document contains the following: Volume 1: Describes the architecture and programming environment of processors supporting IA and Intel® 64 architectures. MMX technology as seen by a programmer, but not the logical organization or performance aspects of the actual implementation. This manual is organized into five chapters, including this chapter (Chapter 1), and four appendices: Chapter 1 File Size: KB.
The x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual documents the syntax of the Solaris x86 assembly language. This manual is provided to help experienced assembly language programmers understand disassembled output of Solaris compilers. This manual is neither an introductory book about assembly language programming nor a reference manual for the x86 architecture. introduced into the Intel IA architecture with the Intel MMX™ technology. The Intel MMX technology allows SIMD computations to be performed on packed byte, word, and doubleword integers that are contained in a set of eight bit registers called the MMX registers (see Figure 2). Intel® MPI Library Reference Manual • To compile and link without using the mpicc and related commands, run the appropriate command with the -show option added. The output will indicate the correct flags, options, includes, defines, and libraries to add to the compile and link lines.
MMX technology instructions are implemented with 57 op codes. MMX technology uses general-purpose, basic instructions that are fast and are easily assigned to the parallel pipelines in Intel processors. By using this general-purpose approach, MMX technology provides performance that will scale well across current and future generations of Intel. The MMX instructions enable x86 processors to perform single-instruction, multiple-data(SIMD) operations on packed byte, word, doubleword, or quadword integer operands contained in memory, in MMX registers, or in general-purpose registers. Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide. Pentium® Processor at iCOMP® In, , , , , , MHz. Mobile Pentium® Processor with MMX™ Technology on micron. Intel Pentium (R) Processor with MMX (TM) Technology Mobile Module.